Guide Star Upgrades City of Iron Mountain’s Public WI-FI

Guide Star’s hometown of Iron Mountain, Michigan has gotten a much-needed upgrade to the city’s public Wi-Fi router, thanks to the specialized IT experts of Guide Star that call the area home. While the new router doesn’t look like much to the naked eye, it is able to provide public Wi-Fi to all of downtown Iron Mountain.

Guide Star Cybersecurity and Technical Operations Director Larry Davis said the system needed an upgrade.

“The existing system was about 10 years old,” Davis said. “Wi-Fi’s come a long, long way since then, better speed, strength, security, so it was just a good time to do that.”

Davis notes that internet speed may vary based on factors such as the current number of users online.

Residents and visitors to downtown Iron Mountain won’t be the only people benefitting from the faster speeds; Iron Mountain Downtown Development Program Coordinator Tim McCauley said the upgrade provides local businesses and the customers that visit the area a more modernized shopping experience.

“Farmer’s market vendors will use it to get information and to do credit card transactions,” McCauley said. “And it’s also used by vendors at some of our festivals.”

The upgraded Wi-Fi is now available for use.

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